Founder, CEO, Novel Coworking
Verinder is the sophisticated executive I aspire to be, and yet he is humble in coaching the team and myself on our journey of improvement….the results he helps us create are extraordinary...
CEO, Autism Home Support
Verinder’s depth of experience as well as uncanny ability to read people has benefited AHSS significantly. He’s an excellent facilitator who drives meetings forward to action.
Chairman, Little Lady Foods, Inc.
He’s done this before and this is his greatest strength. Verinder is passionate about what he does.
Director of Content, Dynamic Yield, Past Student
To walk into Verinder's class is to enter an environment of pure, unbridled intellectualism that is all too rare in many college environments. He is a maestro at fostering honest dialogue, genuine community and ultimately helping his students discover their best selves. I can say with no gooey sentiment that I am a better businessmen and person for having worked with him.
Huizenga Capital Management
As a result of Verinder, [we were] able to take away a strategic plan for the quarters ahead. Each member of the leadership team came away with specific tasks to execute on. Team developed a regular meeting schedule and agenda to ensure that they were on track and measures to address items that fell by the wayside…. [Verinder is] a very seasoned experienced, intelligent executive. Great listener, facilitator, and communicator.
Google, Past Student
Verinder is very unique at Northwestern in how accessible he makes himself. He (talks to) his students not only about the course, but also challenges they're facing in career and academic decisions, and in the organizations they run. Verinder's goal is for all of his students to be the best leaders that they can. His classes were among the best I've taken at Northwestern. It's no wonder I keep in touch with him years after graduation.
Grid Connect, Inc.
Verinder is a great guide for us through the EOS process, he takes the best of the EOS system and puts his own twist on it. He helps hold us accountable and push our business forward!
Tempus, Past Student
Professor Syal is one of the most caring and introspective people I have ever met, and has been a pivotal figure in my life. I have known Prof since my sophomore year of college and have taken both his Entrepreneurship and Leadership & Ethics classes. They were two of the most influential courses that I have ever taken, as they made me reflect deeply on what is important to me and the core of my character.
Shumway Capital
Professor Syal is in an entirely different class of teachers. He has an ability to move beyond the superficial and anchor his teachings on fundamental, universal principles of leadership and entrepreneurship. His Socratic approach and ability to forge deep relationships guide the student on a journey of self-discovery allowing to understand inherent beliefs and unlock intrinsic potential.
Entrepreneur, Past Student
Whether as a teacher, an entrepreneur, an executive, a consultant, or a mentor, Professor Syal is world class. Countless can attest to this - and it's true. What makes Professor Syal stand apart in these areas is not just the quality of what he creates, but the character with which he conducts himself. In every conversation I have with him, I'm left admiring his ability to challenge people and ideas with intellectual bravery, his consistent commitment to a high standard of character, and his deep empathy for others. I'm extremely grateful to count Prof as a teacher, a mentor, and a friend.
Context Media, Past Student
In the 6 years that I have known Verinder he has been professor, author, mentor, and friend. As a professor he has challenged and inspired countless students to traverse the journey within and establish the principles of leadership, ethics, and execution to guide the paths ahead. As a mentor, Verinder's guidance and counsel have been invaluable in transforming complex decisions and ideas into simple questions of right vs. wrong; execution vs. rhetoric. And as a friend, Verinder's unwavering commitment to enriching the lives of everyone he meets has been one of the greatest gifts.
Retired President Magnecraft
Verinder’s ability to quickly understand a business…any business, is exceptional. And he has a complementary skill to drill down and locate the key levers that determine profitability and growth. Most significantly, once those are identified his real talent becomes apparent to formulate thoughtful questions that cause leadership to re-examine its assumptions and its effectiveness. He does this without ever forgetting the importance of people, the need to provide customers with the tangibles and intangibles that are essential to a long-term relationship….which in turn add value to the business, and to do these things within the highest ethical framework.