Sonja Lyubomirsky's "How of Happiness" is an empirical guide explaining the science behind happiness and offering strategies that have been proven effective when it comes to increasing and maintaining a positive outlook. Hedonic Adaptation plays a part in this because one of the book's major revelations is that we all have our own fixed happiness set-point. This means that no matter what we endure, or achieve, we tend to experience our highs and lows and revert back to our baseline standard of happiness.
According to her analysis - 50% of our ‘Set Point’ is biological (thanks parents,)� but only� 10% of our happiness comes from our circumstances.

This is actually great news, because it means your long term happiness isn’t dependent on the size of your house, your current job, or even the stability of your marriage (although it can certainly feel like it.)
The data shows that a whopping �40%� of our happiness is based on what we do: AKA “Intentional Activity.” And yes, while some people are inevitably dealt an unlucky genetic hand, Sonja’s study shows that even those suffering from depression experienced an emotional improvement by taking tangible actions geared towards improving their baseline of happiness.